Safeguarding Our Efforts to Increase Food Security and Prevent Food Waste

November 30, 2021

We’ve long embraced our responsibility at Grubhub to use our resources and partnerships to increase the positive impact we can have on the communities we serve. When the pandemic forced the restaurant industry to dramatically change overnight, we doubled down on this commitment, further supporting our restaurant partners and helping them continue to be there for their communities. One of many ways we’ve done this is by purchasing more than three million meals donated to those in need.

A reason why we are able to make this difference is because of a national law called the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act. First signed in 1996, this law encourages donation of food and grocery products – including meals from restaurants – to non-profit organizations for distribution to individuals in need, by protecting organizations from liability as long as their donations are made in good faith. The Emerson Act has not been updated in 25 years, and unfortunately millions of pounds of food and groceries that could help under-served communities still go to waste in this country every year.

Today on Giving Tuesday, U.S. Senators Blumenthal and Toomey introduced the Food Donation Improvement Act of 2021 to modernize the Emerson Act. Expanding and clarifying the existing law for food donation will help us make meaningful progress on the issue of food waste and provide relief to the millions of Americans in our communities experiencing food insecurity. That’s why we urge Congress to pass this Act, and we’ve joined with more than 20 other companies and organizations to support these updates.

With the help of our diners nationwide, Grubhub has provided more than $50 million to charitable causes in recent years, including the following organizations that support restaurants, promote food security and prevent food waste:

  • The Restaurant Strong Fund gives direct financial support to independently-owned SMB restaurants and their employees. Together, we’ve awarded grants to more than 1,300 restaurants across the country.
  • Rescuing Leftover Cuisine is a food rescue non-profit headquartered in New York City, and Grubhub’s donation is used to purchase meals from minority and women-owned restaurants that are donated back into the community to food insecure families.
  • MEANS Database makes it possible to donate food that would have gone to waste from independent restaurants to local emergency feeding services. Grubhub’s donation is used to purchase left-over food from restaurants in Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Oakland, Philadelphia, Providence and San Francisco that is donated to underserved communities and those most in need.
  • World Central Kitchen has activated a network of restaurants and food service providers to safely produce individually packaged fresh meals that are delivered to those in need. Grubhub’s donation paid restaurants for these meals and handled delivery logistics in New York City.
  • The Food Bank of New York City provides emergency meals to vulnerable New Yorkers impacted by the economic downturn and COVID pandemic.
  • The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) is the business voice of the LGBTQ+ community and certifying body for LGBTQ+-owned businesses nationwide. In partnership with the NGLCC, we created a grant program for LGBTQ+ and LGBTQ+ ally-owned restaurants.
  • National ACE is the unified voice across the country for the business interests of people of Asian and Pacific Islander descent. Together we created the AAPISTRONG Restaurant Fund, a grant program that supports AAPI-owned restaurants.
  • The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Educational Fund and Grubhub partnered to distribute grants to Hispanic-owned restaurants throughout its national network.

But our job is not nearly done. An estimated 42 million people are expected to experience food insecurity this year alone. By expanding and clarifying the Emerson Act, we can safeguard and build upon our efforts to provide relief to these millions of Americans in our communities.